When Distance () ()
when distance ( v) ()
Category LEGO Education WeDo 2.0
Type Hat
Introduced in 2.0

The When Distance () () block is a LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 block and a hat block. The block activates when the distance is less than or greater than the specified value, depending on the argument selected from the drop-down menu. Prior to Scratch 2.0, this block did not take a comparison argument but remained with a less-than sign constantly.

This block can only be used with a LEGO WeDo Construction Set.

Example Uses

Some example uses for this block are:

  • Activating a motor when the distance sensor is activated
when distance (\< v) (10)
turn (motor v) on for (0.25) seconds
  • Reporting the distance when it is less than a specified value
when distance (\< v) (50)
repeat until <(distance:: wedo) > (50)>
    say (distance:: wedo)

See Also

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