Turn () Off
turn (motor v) off
Category LEGO Education WeDo 2.0
Type Stack
Introduced in 1.4

The turn () off block is a (uncommon) stack block and a LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 block. The block deactivates a LEGO WeDo motor.

This block was titled "motor off" in Scratch 1.4, before being renamed to "turn motor off" in Scratch 2.0, then to its current name in Scratch 3.0.

Example Uses

Some example uses are:

  • Stopping a car
when green flag clicked
set [gas tank v] to [full]
wait until <(gas tank) = [empty]>
turn (motor v) off
say [Oh no! My car's all out of gas!] for (5) seconds
  • Stopping a rollercoaster
when I receive [Rollercoaster v]
reset timer
repeat until< (timer) > [60] >
wait (3) seconds
say (item (pick random (1) to (length of [Rollercoaster sayings v])) of [Rollercoaster sayings v])
change [power v] by (-5)
set (motor v) power to (power)
turn (motor v) off
say [That was a fun ride!]
  • Stopping a fan
when I receive [stop fan v]
say [I'm cold. I'm going to turn off the fan.]
glide (1) secs to (Fan v)
turn (motor v) off
  • Stopping gears, therefore stopping a machine
when I receive [gear clog v]
set [brightness v] effect to (-30)
turn (motor v) off


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

The block can be replicated by setting the motor timer to nothing:

turn (motor v) on for (0) seconds

The motor can alternatively be turned off by draining the power:

set (motor v) power to (0)

See Also

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