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Tickle is an app for iOS, inspired by Scratch. It allows users to control drones using block-based programs. A presentation about Tickle was made at the Scratch2015AMS. An Android version is currently in development.[1]

Tickle's logo

User Interface

Tickle is designed very similar to Scratch with the dragging and dropping of blocks to make scripts. Tickle's blocks are also organized into categories. Many of these are also in Scratch: Motion, Looks, Operations, control and events, data and others. New categories are also added. In addition, many of the blocks in Tickle are the same in Scratch (such as the Wait () Seconds block). Blocks and categories may vary between drones.

List of Drones

This is a list of drones that Tickle is compatible with, as well as what the app can control.[2]

Note Note: All links in the list below are archived from May 2020.

External Links


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