No sprite descriptions?

I think that there should be sprite descriptions, as most sprites don't have their own pages and the page wouldn't be that useful if there were no descriptions for these sprites. What do you all think?

Socialix user profile picture.pngsocialix | talk page | 88 contributions | scratch profile 15:35, 5 April 2021 (UTC)

I think this would be great idea! Perhaps these could be just a few sentences long, maybe also mentioning when that sprite was first introduced (which Scratch version.) Since there are a lot to do, we could allocate one section (describing all of the sprites in that section) per user?
Redglitter Profile Picture Mini.gif Redglitter (Talk ~ Contributions ~ 541 edits) 15:57, 5 April 2021 (UTC)
There's a lot of work to do on this page, so perhaps the roles could be split up like this:
  • Complete the sprite list: 1 user
  • Descriptions for people category: 1 user
  • Descriptions for animals category: 1 user
  • Descriptions for fantasy and dance categories: 1 user
  • Descriptions for music and sports categories: 1 user
  • Descriptions for food and fashion categories: 1 user
  • Descriptions for letters category: 1 user
I would be happy to complete the sprite list and do the descriptions for the letters category! :D
Redglitter Profile Picture Mini.gif Redglitter (Talk ~ Contributions ~ 541 edits) 16:14, 5 April 2021 (UTC)

Is this page still a stub?

I've finished listing the sprites here, should I swap out the {{Template:Stub}} with {{Template:Expand}}? :)
Redglitter Profile Picture Mini.gif Redglitter (Talk ~ Contributions ~ 541 edits) 13:43, 6 April 2021 (UTC)

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