Switch Backdrop to () and Wait
switch backdrop to ( v) and wait
Category Looks
Type Stack
Introduced in v172 (2.0 alpha)

The switch backdrop to () and wait block is a stack block and a Looks block. It functions similarly to the Switch Backdrop to () block, but this block waits for scripts under any When Backdrop Switches to () blocks to finish. This block is also similar to the Broadcast () and Wait block because they both fire a user-driven event to start an action.

The block is only in the stage palette; however, the block can be dragged into sprites and will still work there.

Example Uses

  • Switching scenes temporarily
switch backdrop to (scene2 v) and wait
switch backdrop to (scene1 v)
  • Switching between levels
switch backdrop to (introduction v) and wait
switch backdrop to (level1 v) and wait
switch backdrop to (level2 v) and wait
switch backdrop to (level3 v) and wait
switch backdrop to (end game v)

These examples will only work as intended if there are scripts that run when a backdrop switches to a certain backdrop. This is achieved by putting blocks under the When Backdrop Switches to () block.


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

One possible workaround is:

switch backdrop to (backdrop v)
broadcast (backdrop v) and wait

when I receive (backdrop v)::events hat

See Also

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