This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. |
- This article or section documents an outdated version of Scratch (version 2.0). For this article in the current version (version 3.0), see Sound Editor (3.0). For this article in Scratch 1.4, see Sound Editor (1.4).
The Sound Editor was a feature in Scratch 2.0. It followed up on the basic sound recording utility in Scratch 1.x, and allowed for basic sound editing features. It included fading in and out, cropping, and reversing for all of or a small selected portion of a sound. It also allowed MP3s and WAVs to be imported, which overwrote the previously recorded sound. This could be useful for simple editing of a supported audio file without other programs.
The "edit" menu contained tools to edit the sound. It had: undo, redo; cut, copy, paste; delete, select all. Undo would undo the most recent action; redo would redo it if it was undone. Cut, copy, and paste worked with Scratch's own sound clipboard; it did not copy to the system's clipboard, nor could it paste in external sounds. Delete deleted the selected sound fragment. Select all selected the entire soundtrack. Individual sections could be selected by dragging the mouse over them.
All of the items, with the exception of delete, had a letter next to them (as seen in the screenshot to the right). This was a keyboard shortcut. To activate it, it would be needed to have pressed shift+letter. This was in contrast to the usual manner of using ctrl/cmd for keyboard shortcuts.
Note: | There used to be shortcuts for each function in the "edit" menu, but they were removed. They weren't fully functional and developed before their removal. |
The "effects" menu was where modifications actually happened. It had: fade in, fade out; louder, softer, silence; reverse. Fade in made it start out quiet and gain in volume, while fade out did the opposite. Louder and softer modified the sound level of the selection accordingly. Silence silenced the selection. Reverse would play the selection from back to front, often resulting in nonsensical sounds.
There were a couple of options for cropping sounds. One could highlight a section of the sound and click the delete or backspace key to remove that section. However, if one wanted to keep an individual section but remove the rest of the sound, they could highlight the section they wanted to keep and hit shift-backspace or shift-delete to crop the image to solely the highlighted section.
Converting a Sound to MP3 Format in iTunes
This article has links to websites or programs outside of Scratch and Wikipedia. Remember to stay safe while using the internet, as we cannot guarantee the safety of other websites. |
This description was accurately relevant to the most recent version of iTunes, which can be downloaded here.
Sounds could be converted into MP3 format using iTunes, an external program created by Apple Inc. However, the song must have been downloaded to one's computer in order for it to be convertible, meaning that it could not be a song that was stored in iCloud and streamed. Before converting the sound to MP3, one's preferences must have been set to convert imported sounds to MP3 format. This could be done by accessing Edit > Preferences > Import settings and selecting MP3 Encoder on the Import Using drop-down.
Then, on iTunes, in the "Songs" tab, select the desired song by clicking on it, and it would become highlighted (you can select the song from any tab, such as "Songs" or "Albums").
Then, after the song is selected, you had to right-click the song and click Create MP3 Version. The song would be duplicated; you would now have both the original and the new MP3 version. From here, the MP3 copy could be imported into the Scratch Sound Editor.
Example Uses
The sound editor could be used in the following ways:
- Getting all sounds in a project to a uniform volume
- Creating effects
- Censoring inappropriate language in a song
- Make the sound clip sound more amusing (such as combining sounds or reversing the audio)
- Converting audio formats (such as MP3) to the WAV format