(☁ var)
This article or section uses Cloud Data. Users who are New Scratchers or are using the Offline Editor cannot make projects using Cloud Data or use it in other users' projects. To use Cloud Data, the Scratcher status is needed and the Online Editor has to be used. |
This page will show how to make a simple username cloud list.
Variables and Lists
Create two lists: one for characters (letters, numbers, etc.), and another for the players. The player list will be the only one shown in the final product, so a suitable name would be "Players".
Next, create another two variables. The names of these do not matter, because they will not show, but make sure they can be easily distinguished.
You also need 2 cloud variables. One is the encoded username, the other is the next available slot in the list, set to 1.
Character List
Next, add this script:
when flag clicked delete all of [Characters v] set [item v] to [1] set [chars v] to [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-_] repeat (( length of (chars)) + (1)) add (letter (item) of (chars)) to [Characters v] change [item v] by (1) end
Username Adding Script
Create the following script to encode a Scratcher's username.
when I receive [Add Username v] set [Variable 1 v] to [1] if <not <[Players v] contains (username)?>> then if <not <(username) = [ ]>> then repeat (length of (username)) find character (letter (Variable 1) of (username))::custom change [Variable 1 v] by [1] end set [☁ CLOUD DATA v] to (join (☁ CLOUD DATA) [00]) replace item (☁ current slot) of [Players v] with (username) if <not <[Players v] contains (username)?>> then change [☁ current slot v] by (1)
Add the following definition hat; its code will be added later.
define find character (character)::custom
Use this script if manually adding names is necessary:
repeat (length of (name)) // "name" holds the username that someone want to add. find character (letter (Variable 1) of (name)) ::custom change [Variable 1 v] by [1] end set [☁ CLOUD DATA v] to (join (☁ CLOUD DATA) [00])
Define Find Character Script
Now, add the first define script. It should look like this:
// The below should have already been created. define find character (character) set [Variable 2 v] to [1] repeat until <(item (Variable 2) of [Characters v] :: list) = (character)> change [Variable 2 v] by (1) end if <(Variable 2) < [10]> then set [☁ CLOUD DATA v] to (join (☁ CLOUD DATA) (join [0] (Variable 2))) else set [☁ CLOUD DATA v] to (join (☁ CLOUD DATA) (Variable 2)) end
Variables and Lists
Create five more normal variables. This tutorial names them as follows:
(data item) (decoded) (build username) (uv1) (uv2)
Main Script
Now, add this script:
when flag clicked delete all of [Players v] set [uv1 v] to [1] set [uv2 v] to [2] set [data item v] to [01] repeat (450) decode character::custom wait (0.05) secs if <(data item) = [ ]> then broadcast (Add Username v) stop [this script v] end end broadcast (Add Username v)
Note: | The number "450" in the repeat block does not have to be 450; It can be anything, but just keep in mind that this number is the maximum amount of usernames that will be added to the Players list. If this number is 35 and a 36th Scratcher clicks the green flag and gets their username data saved then clicks the flag again, it will send duplicate data. Keep this number higher than the total views of the project. |
Decoding Blocks
This is the last script. It is also the most complicated.
define decode character::custom set [build username v] to [ ] if <(☁ CLOUD DATA) = [ ]> then stop [this script v] end repeat until <(decoded) = [00]> set [data item v] to (join (letter (uv1) of (☁ CLOUD DATA)) (letter (uv2) of (☁ CLOUD DATA))) set [decoded v] to (item (data item) of [Characters v]) set [build username v] to (join (build username) (decoded)) change [uv1 v] by (2) change [uv2 v] by (2) if <(join (letter (uv1) of (☁ CLOUD DATA)) (letter (uv2) of (☁ CLOUD DATA)))=()> then stop [this script v] end end add (build username) to [Players v]