This article is about the block. For the rotation style feature, see Rotation Style.
Set Rotation Style ()
set rotation style [ v]
Category Motion
Type Stack
Introduced in v190 (2.0 alpha)

The Set Rotation Style () block is a Motion block and a stack block. The block changes the Rotation Style of the sprite in-project. Regardless of the style, the variable direction will still change.


The drop-down menu for the Set Rotation Style () block
Main article: Rotation Style

There are three options for this block: all around, left-right, and don't rotate. All around means the sprite can face any of the 360 degrees. It is the default. Left-right means the sprite can only face left or right, with all directions less than 0 being left, and all directions greater than or equal to 0 being right. The sprite will also be horizontally flipped when facing left in the left-right style. Don't rotate means that the sprite always faces as in 90°.

Example Uses

This block can be used if a sprite must move in different manners throughout the project. Here are a few possible uses:

  • Animations
set rotation style [all around v]
point in direction (-90)
say [Look! I'm upside-down!] for (2) seconds
say [This is cool! I feel like a bat!] for (2) seconds
set rotation style [left-right v]
say [And now I'm on the ground again.] for (2) seconds
  • Allowing a person to look left or right
when gf clicked
  if <mouse down?> then
    set rotation style [all around v]
    point towards (mouse pointer v)
    if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then
      set rotation style [left-right v]
      point in direction (-90)
    if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then
      set rotation style [left-right v]
      point in direction (90)
  • Forcing a sprite not to turn while paused
when I receive [game paused v]
set rotation style [don't rotate v]

See Also

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