(Redirected from Set Pen () to () (block))

Set Pen () to ()
set pen (color v) to ()
Category Pen Extension
Type Stack
Introduced in 3.0

Set Pen () to () block is a pen extension block and a Stack block that is in Scratch 3.0. This block sets the pen's color, saturation, brightness (also known as shade), and transparency. The first value can be selected from "color" (default), "saturation", "brightness", and "transparency."

How to Use

This block will set the hue (color), saturation, brightness, or alpha (transparency). This way of representing color is called HSBA. It is one of the easiest-to-understand ways that computers can represent color. The Scratch color picker uses HSBA so it makes sense to use it in pen projects.


  • Set the pen color with numeric HSBA
define Set pen color to H(H) S(S) B(B) A(A)
set pen (color v) to (H)
set pen (saturation v) to (S)
set pen (brightness v) to (B)
set pen (transparency v) to (A)
  • Use a color the user inputs.
when flag clicked
ask [What color do you want to use?] and wait
set pen (color v) to (answer)
pen down
repeat (10)
 move (10) steps
 turn cw (36) degrees
  • Set a random color
set pen (color v) to (pick random (1) to (100))
set pen (saturation v) to (pick random (1) to (100))
set pen (brightness v) to (pick random (1) to (100))
set pen (transparency v) to (pick random (1) to (100))

See also

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