Set () Power to ()
set (motor v) power to ()::wedo
Category LEGO Education WeDo 2.0
Type Stack
Introduced in 1.4

The Set () Power to () block is a LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 and a Stack block. The block sets the power of a LEGO WeDo motor from 1 to 100.

Prior to Scratch 2.0, this block was named Motor Power (), and in Scratch 2.0, it was named Set Motor Power ().

Example Uses

Moving the motor at various powers affects the speed of machines.

Some common uses for the Set Motor Power () block:

  • Controlling how fast a vehicle moves
  • Choosing the power of a fan
when gf clicked
turn (motor v) on
set (motor v) power to (100)
  • Slowing or speeding a machine
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