< Scratch Wiki:Table of Contents
- Case Sensing
- Checking if a String Contains a String
- Checking if a String Contains Characters
- Comparing Strings
- Conversations
- Creating a Chat Bot
- Deleting Part of a String
- Inserting a Character into a String
- Moving Part of a String
- Removing a String from a List (By Text)
- Replacing a Character in a String
- Separating a String into Words
- Setting the Time
- Splitting a String
- Avoiding the Costume Size Limit
- Creating a Quiz
- Detecting Turbo Mode
- How to Make a Title Screen and Levels
- Finding the Standard Deviation of Numbers
- Global High Scores
- Grids
- Making Scratch Close
- Mouse-Over
- Repeat for a Set Amount of Time
- Recursion and Fractals
- Sorting Values
- Sound on/off Button
- Stoppable Timer
- Turn-Based RPG
- How to Create a Countdown
- Creating a Multiplayer Game
- Interface Detection