< Scratch Wiki:Interview

<nowiki>Hello! The Scratch Team, Scratch Mentors and Scratch Wikians have been working together to bring you something awesome.....
We are creating an article about how Scratch has changed lives, and we need people to interview! To be interviewed please follow these simple steps: [b]1.[/b] [i]Comment [url=http://scratch.mit.edu/users/Wiki_Interviews]here asking to be interviewed[/url][/i] [b]2.[/b] [i]The Wiki_Interviews account will comment on [/i]your[i] profile (please do not delete this comment!) [b]3.[/b] [i]The interview will begin consisting of replying to comment chains.

There will be a page consisting of all of the interviews, and we'll find our favorites and use them in the article! Please note that the interview is ONLY open to those whose lives have actually been changed by Scratch, and that who you are being interviewed by will NOT be revealed until we are done. Have fun!

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