Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.
This article or section documents an outdated version of Scratch (version 1.4). For this article in the current version (version 3.0), see Scratch Statistics.
The Scratch Statistics link from the Front Page.

The Scratch Statistics (sometimes called Scratch Stats, Community Stats or Community Statistics) page was a page on the Scratch 1.4 Website that contained information about comments, projects, users, and more.

Statistics Visualization

The Statistics Visualization.

The Statistics Visualization contained information about:

The visualization showed the amount of projects, users, remixes and comments and how they have increased and decreased every month since January 8 2007 when Scratch was released.

The user could choose the category or categories they want to view. Viewing multiple categories simultaneously allowed for comparison.

Other Statistics

Below the visualization were other statistics as well.

Who We Are

A collection of statistics about who the Scratch community is:

  • Daily Visitors — This chart displayed how many people visit the Scratch website each day.
  • Location of Visitors — Showed a map of the cities that visitors to the Scratch website came from in the current month.
  • New Users per Month — This visualization displayed how many Scratch users register each month.
  • Age of Users — This visualization displayed how registered Scratch users and their activity on the Scratch websites breaks down by age.

What We Do

Statistics showing how Scratchers contributed to the site.

  • Activity per month — This displayed a larger version of the Statistics Visualization.
  • Scratch Blocks Usage — This visualization displayed how frequently Scratch users used the different Scratch blocks.
  • Project Creators — This visualization displayed how many Scratch users were creating and sharing projects on the Scratch website each month. When 'Color by Gender' was selected, you could click on the visualization to filter based on gender.
  • Comment Posters — This section was not released yet, and it was labelled "Coming soon."

Who Makes What

Statistics which showed what kind of Scratchers made what.

  • Scratch Activity by Age — This visualization displayed how registered Scratch users and their activity on the Scratch websites breaks down by age.
  • Project Creation Behavior — This visualization described the project sharing behaviors of Scratch users. It aimed to show how frequently each user created and shared projects.
  • Comment Posting Behavior — This visualization described the comment posting behaviors of Scratch users. It aimed to show how frequently each user posts comments.

See Also

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