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Scratch Helper Groups
Forum ID: 39
Amount of activity: Had a low number of topics and a low number of replies.
Types of users who can post: Only Scratch Team members and Scratch Mentors can create topics. Everyone can post though.
Brief description: "A place for members of Scratch Helper Groups to coordinate and discuss topics related to their groups"

The Scratch Helper Groups forum was a forum in the Scratch Forums where Scratch Helper Groups collaborated on the groups that they were in.

Similar to the Announcements forum, it could be viewed by anyone, but only the Scratch Team and Scratch Mentors could post new topics. Scratch Mentors had moderation power in the forum, which means they could delete posts and do other moderator tasks.[1] It was recommended not to post on this forum unless the post was related to the Helper groups. It has since been removed as a public forum due to a lack of activity.


The forum had little to no activity due to the fact that only Scratch Team and Scratch Mentors could create new topics in this forum, and not many people are in the Scratch Helper Groups.

Scratch Helper Groups Shorter.png

What the Forum Contained

The forum contained the following seven topics. All of the topics have now been closed because they're no longer used. The largest forum was the Welcoming Committee forum.

  • Scripts Team Discussion & Resources was a topic used for discussing things about Scripts Team.
  • Scratch Helper Groups was about the rules of the forum.
  • [Scripts Team] Help with Helping was a guide for Scripts Team members.
  • [Scripts Team] FAQ was a topic containing some frequently asked questions in Scripts Team.
  • [Scripts Team] Script Helper Stories was a topic used for discussing positive stories of helping in Scripts Team.
  • [Scripts Team] Scripts Team Membership Update was a topic to announce changes to the Scripts Team.
  • [Welcoming Committee] Discussion & Resources was a topic used to discuss the Welcoming Committee.

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