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Scratch Event Studios, or SES, are studios created and managed by the Scratch Team which are created to celebrate a specific event. They are featured during a certain time period in the Featured Studios row. Usually, these studios are created to bring Scratchers together to inspire them to create projects.

List of Scratch Event Studios

Here are different types of Scratch Event Studios created by the Scratch Team:

Pi Day

Pi Day 2022

(description: Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (Pi)! It is celebrated every year on March 14th since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of Pi. Celebrations often involve eating pie and reciting the many digits of Pi, among other things...)

Pi Day 2023

(description: Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (Pi)! It is celebrated every year on March 14th since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of Pi. Celebrations often involve eating pie and reciting the many digits of Pi, among other things...)

Black History Month

Black History Month 2021

(description: This year’s theme for 2021 is “Black Family: Representation, Identity, and Diversity” and explores Black families across the African diaspora and the United States. Create a project in celebration of Black History Month and share it in the studio...)

Black History Month 2022

(description: The theme for 2022 is “Black Health and Wellness” and acknowledges the legacy of Black scholars, medical practitioners, others focused on health and wellness throughout the African Diaspora...)

Black History Month 2023

(description: The theme for 2023 is “Black Resistance,” which acknowledges the various ways one can express resistance to oppression and advocate for equality and equity through poetry, music, dance, education, stories, protest, legislation… )

Pride Month

Happy Pride Month!

(description: This year, we invite you to celebrate Pride Month with us on Scratch! Looking for ideas to get started? Here are a few ideas you might consider… )

Earth Day and Earth Hour

Earth Hour 2023

(description: Welcome to the Earth Hour 2023 studio, made in celebration and recognition of the Biggest Hour for Earth. Started in 2007, Earth Hour has shone a spotlight on the issues of climate change and nature loss. Since its creation, over 190 countries and millions of people around the world have taken part in Earth Hour and this year we invite you to join!… )

Earth Day 2024

(description: Earth Day is an annual event in celebration of the Earth and to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It is celebrated every year on April 22 and has become a global event, celebrated in over 190 countries. The official theme for 2024 is “Planet vs Plastics”…)

Scratch Week

Main article: Scratch Week

Scratch Camp

Main article: Scratch Camp


Main article: Scratchtober

Activity Swap

Activity Swap! 2022

(description: Have you ever felt like you were in a creative slump, that you’ve run out of ideas for new projects, or simply were looking for things to do? This is the place for you!… )

Activity Swap! 2023

Activity Swap! Prompts & Inspiration | 2023

(description: Welcome to the second annual Scratch “Activity Swap.” It’s two weeks filled with opportunities to swap ideas, try new crafts, design your own tutorials, or suggest activities for other Scratchers to try and you’re invited to join!… )

Activity Swap! Show-and-Tell | 2023

(description: Welcome to the second annual Scratch “Activity Swap.” It’s two weeks filled with opportunities to swap ideas, try new crafts, design your own tutorials, or suggest activities for other Scratchers to try and you’re invited to join!...)

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

(description: The season of giving is upon us and within that an opportunity to give thanks! Giving thanks can be done in a lot of different ways and for a lot of different reasons...)

Year in Review

2021: A Scratch Year in Review

(description: 2021 is coming to an end and it offers an opportunity to look back on the past year of creating projects, participating in studios, and making new Scratch friends!...)

2022: A Year in Review

(description: As we approach the end of the year, we have an opportunity to look back on the past year of creating projects, participating in studios, and making new Scratch friends!...)

2023: A Year in Review

(description: 2023 is coming to an end and it offers an opportunity to look back on the past year of creating projects, participating in studios, and making new Scratch friends!...)

Scratch Cat’s Comedy Club

Scratch Cat’s Comedy Club

(description: Deep in the underground of the Scratch Headquarters, Scratch Cat has been hard at work imagining and creating their next big adventure...)

Desenhando Mascotes com o DoM

Desenhando Mascotes com o DoM

(description: Inspirados pelo DOM, um mascote criado por estudantes da Escola Dom Mathias no Brasil, nós convidamos você a criar seu próprio mascote e trazê-lo a vida com o Scratch!...)

Somewhere in Time

Somewhere in Time

(description: It’s that time of year again and Scratch Cat is up to their usual shenanigans. Only this year, their latest invention - Scratch blocks that allow you to travel through time - has some bugs and Scratch Cat seems to be lost somewhere in time!...)

What does Scratch mean to you?

What does Scratch mean to you?

(description: Did you know that Scratch is turning 15 this year? We will be celebrating in May and we need your help to get ready!...)

Spreading Kindness

Spreading Kindness

(description: Welcome to the Spreading Kindness studio! We want to provide a space for Scratchers to come together to help spread a little bit of kindness and hope in the world...)

The Secret Life of…

The Secret Life of…

(description: We all know Scratch Cat is the mascot of Scratch, but have you ever wondered what Scratch Cat does in their free time?...)

Poetic Cafe

Poetic Cafe

(description: Poetry is a wonderful way to share your voice. It can be an outlet for self-expression, a way to write about your own experiences and reflect on what is important to you...)



(description: In this studio we are creating projects that make use of a flashlight!...)

Mundane Mysteries

Mundane Mysteries

(description: What is my cat's favorite color? Where did this extra sock come from? How small can they make a t-shirt??...)

Scratch 2.0 Memories

Scratch 2.0 Memories

(description: We’re excited for Scratch 3.0, but that doesn’t mean we won’t miss Scratch 2.0 sometimes. Let’s celebrate our experiences with Scratch 2.0!...)

Secret Surprises

Secret Surprises

(description: Hope everyone had fun celebrating April Fool's Day with us! The surprises are no longer hidden around the website but we definitely encourage you all to continue making projects with secret surprises!...)

Wellness Month

Wellness Month

Translation Studios

When a Scratch Event Studio is created, a Translation studio usually also created. These studios contain all the translations made for their respective studios. There is no permanent translator for a language; all Scratchers is welcomed to translate the studio's description.

Examples of Translation Studios

Curators and Managers

While the Scratch Team members can only manage, Scratchers who are found active in the studio are invited to curate. This doesn't apply to Translation Studios as Scratch Team are the only one to manage.

A project that shows how to become a SES Helper can be found here by -StarGold-

See Also

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