(Redirected from S:CHEATSHEET)

DocumentInQuestion.png It has been suggested that this page's contents be merged with the page Help:Formatting. You can discuss this on the page's talk page. (January 2023)

Scratch Wiki Cheatsheet

Works anywhere in the text        

Description You type You get
Italic text


Bold text


Bold and italic text
'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic

Link to another page
[[Target page]]

[[Target page|Text to display]]

Target page
Text to display

Link internal heading
[[#Heading name]]

[[#Heading name2|Name2]]

#Heading name

Show an image


Size an image


(option "60px" means 60 pixels wide)

Alt text
Add a page to a category
[[Category:Category name]]

(place near the bottom of a page)
Shows "Category name" in a bar at bottom when the page is previewed or saved.
Sign your contributions when posting to a talk page.

(Do not sign in an article, only on talk-pages.)

Example (talk | contribs) 15:41, 13 February 2025 (UTC)

Scratch Blocks
<scratchblocks>move (10) steps</scratchblocks>

(See Block Plugin for more syntax)

move (10) steps

Using Templates

Description You type You get
Use a template
Gobo1.png This is an example template. For help with templates, see Help:Templates.
Use {{note}}
{{note|This Text}}
Note Note: This Text
Use {{warning}}
{{warning|This Text}}
Note Warning: This Text
Use {{caution}}
{{caution|This Text}}
Note Caution: This Text
Use {{main}}
{{main|Target page}}
Main article: Target page

Works only at the beginning of lines

Description You type You get
Redirect to another page
Redirects must be placed at the start of the first line.
#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
Redirect arrow.png Target page
Redirect to a section of another page

#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]

Redirect arrow.png Target page#anchorName
Section headings
A Table of Contents will automatically be generated when four headings are added to an article.
==Level 2==

===Level 3===

====Level 4====

=====Level 5=====

======Level 6======

(Do not use  =Level 1=  as it is for page titles)

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
Level 6
Nonindexed headers
(left out of Table of Contents)
; Header name

(has a leading semicolon ";" in front)

Header name

(will not appear in Table of Contents)
Bulleted list

* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three

  • One
  • Two
    • Two point one
  • Three
Numbered list

# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three

  1. One
  2. Two
    1. Two point one
  3. Three
Indenting and Outdenting text
This is used when replying on a talk page, to make it easier to follow conversations.
no indent (normal)

:first indent

::second indent

:::third indent


(More colons ":" can be used for further indents)

no indent (normal)

first indent
second indent
third indent


Adding footnote references

Referencing for beginners
Insert footnotes as references in a page to list at page bottom
Hello,<ref>Scratch Wiki</ref>


<references />

Hello,[1] World.[2]


Changing text fonts

Description You type You get
Small text
<small>smaller text</small>

smaller text

Big text
<big>bigger text</big>

bigger text

Change text's color
<span style="color:blue">words</span>


Highlight text
<span style="color:white; background:blue">blue background</span>

blue background

Shadowed text
<span style="text-shadow:1px 0px 0px orange">shadowed text</span>

shadowed text

Changing the font family
<span style="font-family:Verdana">Custom font family</span>

Custom font family

Strike through text
<s>strike words</s>

strike words

Using tables

Description You type You get
Start and end a table
(nothing, because the table has nothing in it)
Add a table cell
| Cell 1
| Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Use a wikitable (recommended)
{| class="wikitable"
| Cell 1
| Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Add a table heading
{| class="wikitable"
! Heading 1
! Heading 2
Heading 1 Heading 2
Add a table row
{| class="wikitable"
! Heading 1
! Heading 2
| Cell 1
| Cell 2
| Cell 3
| Cell 4
Heading 1 Heading 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 3 Cell 4
Add HTML attributes to tables, headings, and cells
{| class="wikitable" width="200px"
! style="background-color: #f00" | Heading
| style="background-color: #00f; color: white;" | Cell
Heading Cell

See Also

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