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Current Version 2.27
Operating Systems iPad
Purpose for creation Allow Scratch 1.4 to be run on iOS
Developer(s) SoftUmeYa
Open source? Yes
Released? Yes
Compatible with Although this bases Scratch 1.4, one cannot upload projects from Scratch
Official Website
Forum Topic topic:50458
Active Yes
Open Source Repository

Pyonkee is an app which bases Scratch 1.4 on the iOS. It was released in August 25, 2014 and developed by SoftUmeYa. Its goal is to provide a visual programming language on the iPad for kids and adults alike.[1] A Japanese version (on the same app) is also available.

The mascot (a monkey-bunny hybrid) is named "Pyonkee".[2]

Like Scratch 1.4, Pyonkee can connect to the physical world.[3]


On November 12, 2014, there was a Pyonkee workshop held at Aoyama Benesse.[1][4] Later in January 25, 2015, a second workshop was held at the Setagaya Carrot Tower.[1][5]


See Also

External Links


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