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Play Note () for () Seconds
play note ( v) for () seconds:: extension
Category LEGO WeDo 2.0
Type Stack
Introduced in 2.0
Removed in 3.0

The play note () for () seconds block was a stack block and a LEGO WeDo 2.0 block. The block was available in Scratch 2.0, although it was removed in Scratch 3.0 because the sound it made was very quiet.[1] The block beeped the specified MIDI note on the LEGO WeDo 2.0 for the specified number of seconds. The block appears and functions as expected in Scratch 3.0.[2]

Example Uses

Some uses for the block are:

  • Playing music:
when green flag clicked
play note (60 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (63 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (65 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (66 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (67 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (70 v) for (0.25) seconds
play note (72 v) for (0.25) seconds
  • Playing a sound effect:
when distance [< v] (20)
repeat (5)
    play note (72 v) for (0.25) seconds


  1. ericr. (2018-08-16). "Also, hide the WeDo's "play note" block from the palette, because the sound from the WeDo's tiny buzzer is often very quiet or inaudible."
  2. projects:866777252/editor
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