Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

The PicoBoard extension is an extension for Scratch 2.0 which allows one to program a PicoBoard. Some of these blocks were in the Sensing palette prior to Scratch 2.0.

There are 4 PicoBoard blocks: 2 hat blocks, 1 Boolean block, and 1 reporter block.

Note Caution: When a project made with this extension in 2.0 is uploaded into 3.0, all blocks in this extension are automatically deleted.[1]

Showing the PicoBoard blocks

The Add an Extension button.

The PicoBoard blocks cannot be used until the extension has been added. To do this, click the Add an Extension button in the More Blocks palette and select "PicoBoard". They can be removed by clicking on the heading which appears above them and selecting "Remove extension blocks".

These blocks can only be used with a PicoBoard, but can still be viewed without one.


Note Hint: Click on a block to learn more about it.

The PicoBoard extension has the following blocks:
