Pen Down
pen down
Category Pen
Type Stack

The Pen Down block is a Pen block and a stack block. The block will make its sprite draw a dot, then draw a trail of lines wherever it moves until the Pen Up block is used. The color, size, and transparency of the trail can be changed with other blocks.

Example Uses

This block is used most frequently in projects that require art to be drawn.[citation needed] When a sprite will continuously pen a trail (for example, a project where the goal is to fill the whole screen), most projects will use this block. This block is also commonly used in one sprite one script one costume projects.

Some common uses for the Pen Down block include:

when I receive [draw string v]
pen down
repeat (10)
    change x by (5)
pen up
  • Drawing patterns on the screen
pen down
repeat (50)
    set x to (pick random (240) to (-240))
    set y to (pick random (480) to (-480))
pen up
  • Drawing with the mouse
when gf clicked
erase all
    go to (mouse-pointer v)
    if <mouse down?> then
        pen down
        pen up
go to x: (0) y: (0)
set pen color to [#7d7d7d]
set pen size to (20)
pen down
change x by (150)
pen up
go to x: (5) y: (0)
set pen color to [#00d5fa]
set pen size to (12)
pen down
change x by (140)
pen up
Note Note: All these examples include the Pen Up block as well; they often work together.

See Also

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