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Reason: Contains little to no info, likely scrapped, and could be merged with Scratch 3.0
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A mockup of a microworld project.

A Scratch microworld was a version of the Scratch editor that contained a small set of blocks for making projects based on a theme. [1] It has a limited palette of blocks, to reduce the number of blocks a Scratcher has to dig through.

The name "microworld" came from combining "micro" and "world", which symbolized a world that teaches powerful ideas, yet having a limited scope. Interest-based microworlds were microworlds aimed at a specific interest or goal, like animation.

The account microworlds was the owner of these official Microworld projects. This page still attempts to load a Microworld from this account, specifically Dress Up Microworld Project, although the page would look like the normal editor.

Some Microworld draft projects can be found in this studio; it was possible to view a simplified version of any project at, where NUMBER is the project's ID.[2] However, as of January 2024, the URL address will redirect to the normal project page.


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At the 2016 Scratch Conference,[citation needed] the Scratch Team announced plans for microworlds.

In August 2017, Scratch Team members ceebee and speakvisually presented implementation of Microworlds at Scratch2017BUD, the international Scratch conference in Budapest, Hungary.[citation needed]

Microworlds was active from September 2015 to May 2021.[1]


  1. a b
  2. "You can view simplified versions of any Scratch project using this web address: Replace NUMBER with the project number you want to see." (studios:2109458)
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