The correct title of this article is Item # of () in (). The Scratch Wiki uses a different title because of technical restrictions.
Item # of () in ()
(item # of [] in [ v])
Category List
Type Reporter
Introduced in 3.0

Item Number of () in () is a list block and a reporter block. This block reports the index in a list where an item first appears. If an item appears more than once, it reports the index of the first occurrence of that item. If the item is not in a list, it reports 0. It is one of only two reporter blocks that can be inserted into a boolean input, the other one being the Item () of () (block) block.


when gf clicked
delete all of [list v]
add [a] to [list v]
add [b] to [list v]
add [c] to [list v]
add [b] to [list v]
say (item # of [c] in [list v]) //says 3 since c is the third item in the list
say (item # of [b] in [list v]) //says 2 since the first occurrence of b in the list is in the second position
say (item #  of [d] in [list v]) //says 0 since d is not in the list


This can instead be accomplished by looking at each item in a list in order and seeing if any of them equal the item being searched for:

define item # of (search term) in list
set [counter v] to (0)
set [result v] to (0)
repeat (length of [list v])
  change [counter v] by (1)
  if <(item (counter) of [list v])=(search term)> then
    set [result v] to (counter)
    stop [this script v]


define item # of (string) in list
set [result v] to [0]
if <[list v] contains (string)?> then
    repeat until <(item (result) of [list v]) = (string)> 
        change [result v] by (1)

In a Boolean Input

This block can be inserted into a boolean input, despite being a reporter block. This is the only block with this special property, aside from Item () of ().

Because all numbers are converted to true except for 0, the block only returns true when inputted string is present in the list. This is equivalent to the <[ v] contains []?> block, making the fact that this block can be in a boolean input rather useless.

Related Suggestion

Some Scratchers want an operators block that reports the appearance of a string in another.[1] Such a block would look like this:

(letter # of () in ():: operators)

However, it can be worked around by this code:

define letter # of (letter) in (string)
set [counter v] to (0)
set [result v] to (0)
repeat (length of (string))
  change [counter v] by (1)
  if <(letter (counter) of (string))=(letter)> then
    set [result v] to (counter)
    stop [this script v]
Note Note: Only works if the length of letter is 1.

See Also


  1. codeman1044. (2019-05-18). "letter # of () in () [title]" topic:351646
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