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This tutorial shows how to keep score in a game. First, make a variable named "score". How the game works defines which find of script should be used.

Color Sensing

If it is wanted to increase the score when a sprite touching a particular color, use a code string like this:

when gf clicked
if <touching color [#FFFFFF]?> then
change [score v] by (1)

If it is wanted to decrease the score when touching a particular color, use the code string above, but change change [score v] by (1) to change [score v] by (-1) .

Sprite Sensing

To sense when a sprite touching another sprite, replace <touching color [#FFFFFF]?> with <touching (sprite v)?>.

Click Sensing

To sense if a sprite is clicked, use:

when this sprite clicked
change [points v] by (...::grey)


when gf clicked
if <<touching (Sprite v)?> and <mouse down?>> then
wait until <not<mouse down?>>
change [points v] by (...::grey)


To use broadcasts, use

when I receive [increase score v]
change [score v] by (1)
when I receive [decrease score v]
change [score v] by (-1)
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