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"Default Sprite" redirects here. For the sprite that appears when a new project is created, see Scratch Cat.

This guide shows you how to change the default sprite that appears when one will create a new project in Scratch 1.4.

One common reason for doing this is because Scratch Modifications are not allowed to use the Scratch Cat as the mascot/default sprite. This is due to legal restrictions the Scratch Team has placed on usage of the word "Scratch" and the built-in sprites in mods[1].

Creating the Sprite

The first step is to create a new sprite. This sprite can include scripts, costumes, and sounds. These will all be saved with the user's sprite.

Saving the Sprite

Once the sprite is ready, right-click the sprite in the sprites pane and select "export this sprite". One will now be in the Scratch File Manager. From here, save the sprite to the costumes folder with the name "default.sprite". Restart Scratch and your new default sprite will have replaced the original Scratch Cat.

You may have to click "OK" on an overwrite warning.


  1. scratch:terms_of_use "The Scratch name, Scratch logo, Scratch Day logo, Scratch Cat, and Gobo are Trademarks owned by the Scratch Team."
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