For more information, see First-person narrative on Wikipedia.
First person is a point of view in the English language where the author is talking from his or her view. It includes the use of the pronouns "I" and "we" (subjective case). Other singular first person pronouns includes "me" (objective case) and "my" and "mine" (possessive case). Plural first person pronouns includes "us" (objective case) and "our" and "ours" (possessive case). Using first person in any article is against the Scratch Wiki editing conventions and will be changed. An example of a first person sentence is:
“ | I need to go to the store to buy olive oil and lettuce. | ” |
The sentence is written in first person because of the use of the word "I". It is the author talking about himself or herself. On the Scratch Wiki, the sentence should be revised to be:
“ | Person A needs to go to the store to buy olive oil and lettuce. | ” |
First person is only allowed on talk pages and user pages. Other pages (this include articles) needs to be written in third person, with the exception of some allowed to use second person in tutorials.