Go to () Layer
go to [ v] layer
Category Looks
Type Stack
Introduced in 3.0

The Go to () Layer block is a Looks block and a stack block. The block makes a sprite go to the very backmost or frontmost layer. A sprite at the backmost layer will be covered by any sprites in front of it; a sprite at the frontmost layer cannot be covered by another sprite.


Before Scratch 3.0, there were only the Go to Front and Go Back () Layers blocks; no block existed to go to the back. Instead one could use the Go Back () Layers block with a large number for the input.

Example Uses

The dropdown input has two options: front and back. This block is useful in a wide variety of situations. Some common uses are:

  • Starting a racing game where the finish line is painted below the cars
when backdrop switches to [track1 v]
go to x: (-50) y: (-100)
point in direction (90)
go to [back v] layer
  • Keeping a sprite visible during a drag-and-drop
when this sprite clicked
repeat until <not <mouse down?>>
  go to (mouse-pointer v)
  go to [front v] layer
  • Making a thumbnail appear when the project is stopped
when gf clicked
set [ghost v] effect to (100)
  go to [front v] layer

In some cases, a sprite needs to move forward or backward, but not to the very front or back. The go [ v] () layers block does that.

See Also

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