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Go Everywhere!
Go Everywhere.png
Operating Systems Any device with an HTML5 web browser
Purpose for creation To allow Scratch on portable devices
Open source? Yes
Programming language JavaScript, HTML and CSS
Compatible with 2.0
Archived Forum Topic ar-topic:64148
Forum Topic topic:11087
Active No
Open Source Repository

Go Everywhere! was started by comp500 in May, 2011. It was an attempt to develop a program able to run Scratch in portable devices by converting to HTML5. [1] Further development was done by GP1 (due to the inactivity of comp500) until development halted in 2015.

Changes from Scratch

Unlike Scratch 2.0, 'Go Everywhere!' uses JavaScript instead of Flash. While the ultimate goal is to make an interface similar to Scratch, Go Everywhere! will allow developers to extend upon the original Go Everywhere! capabilities using Add-ons, similar to Scratch Extensions.[citation needed]

See Also


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