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The "FAQ" Forums.

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) forum was a forum in the Scratch Forums that contained topics that answered many questions that were frequently asked.


To prevent continuous postings of the same question, the forum was created for Scratchers to research answers to questions. If a sufficient answer was not found, the user could then post a forum topic in the Questions About Scratch forum and wait for a reply. If the Scratch Team decided that the topic of the question was asked frequently enough, they would move the thread to the FAQ forum.


Only Community Moderators and the Scratch Team could post new topics in the forum. This made sure that topics were not posted over and over again. It also ensured that the content of the forum contained only frequently asked questions. However, Scratchers could reply to previously posted topics in the FAQ forum and attempt to answer the question themselves. Alternatively, topics could be moved to the forum. Those topics could be made by normal Scratchers.

If a Scratcher wanted to ask a question and could not find the answer in the FAQ forum, then they could simply do it in the Questions About Scratch forum.


The FAQ forum was not carried over during the switch to the Scratch 2.0 Discussion Forums. Though no direct replacement exists, there is a stickied topic in the Questions About Scratch forum called "Helpful Topics for Questions About Scratch" which begins with an index for "FAQ" threads.[1]

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