Default Values are the default arguments values in blocks when shown in the block palette. Every block with an insert has default values, even if they are blank.

If a reporter block is put into an insert in Scratch 3.0 and taken out of it again, it will return to the previous value. If the reporter block was, however, dragged in using a previous version of Scratch, and is removed in 3.0, the value will revert to 10 (for a numeric insert), or a blank string (in a string insert).

Default values help to make Scratch more intuitive: The default value of a block is generally a common value that should not have to change for simple cases. By giving an example the default value delivers an explanation added to the name of the block. So it motivates starters to explore unknown blocks.

For example, the Change () by () block has a default value of 1 for its second argument. This way it functions as a score keeper, timer, or counter. They can also serve to show how the block functions. For example, the Join block has the default values "apple " and "banana". When a user sets a variable to the block to see the output, they see "apple banana", which explains the function of the block (concatenation) instantly.

A boolean insert's default value is false, even though they do not show their value. This can be tested by simply running this script (notice the empty Boolean insert, where the block uses the default value):

when gf clicked
if <> then
say [True]
say [False] //The sprite would say this. Try it!

List of Default Values

Block Default Values
move () steps 10
turn cw () degrees and turn ccw () degrees 15
go to ( v) random position
go to x: () y: () x position, y position
glide () secs to ( v) 1, random position
glide () secs to x: () y: () 1, x position, y position
point in direction ( ) 90
point towards ( v) mouse-pointer
change x by () and change y by () 10
set x to () x position
set y to () y position
set rotation style [ v] left-right
say [] for () seconds "Hello!", 2
say [] "Hello!"
think [] for () seconds "Hmm...", 2
think [] "Hmm..."
switch costume to ( v) The last costume in order
switch backdrop to ( v) and switch backdrop to ( v) and wait The last backdrop in order
change size by () 10
set size to ()% 100
change [ v] effect by () color, 25
set [ v] effect to () color, 0
go to [ v] layer front
go [ v] () layers forward, 1
costume [ v] and backdrop [ v] number
play sound ( v) until done and start sound ( v) The last sound in the Sound List
change [ v] effect by () :: sound pitch, 10
set [ v] effect to () :: sound pitch, 100
change volume by () -10
set volume to () % 100
when [ v] key pressed space
when backdrop switches to [ v] The first backdrop in order
when [ v] > () Loudness, 10
when I receive [ v], broadcast ( v), and broadcast ( v) and wait The first message alphabetically
wait () seconds 1
repeat () 10
stop [ v] all
create clone of ( v) in a sprite myself
create clone of ( v) in the Stage The first sprite in the sprite pane
<touching ( v)?> mouse-pointer
<touching color [#ff0000]?> and <color [#ff0000] is touching [#ff0000]?> A random color, refreshed when a user switches to the Stage in the Sprite Pane
(distance to ( v)) mouse-pointer
ask [] and wait "What's your name?"
<key ( v) pressed?> space
set drag mode [ v] draggable
([ v] of ( v)) backdrop #, Stage
current [ v] year
(() + ()), (() - ()), (() * ()), (() / ()), and (() mod ()) "", ""
(pick random () to ()) 1, 10
<[] < []>, <[] = []>, and <[] > []> "", 50
(join [] []) "apple ", "banana"
(letter () of []) 1, "apple"
(length of ()) "apple"
() contains ()? "apple", "a"
(round ()) ""
([ v] of ()::operators) abs, ""
set [ v] to [] The first variable alphabetically, 0
change [ v] by () The first variable alphabetically, 1
show variable [ v] and hide variable [ v] The first variable alphabetically
add [] to [ v] and item # of () in [ v] "thing", the first list alphabetically
delete () of [ v] and (item () of [ v]) 1, the first list alphabetically
delete all of [ v], length of [ v], show list [ v], and hide list [ v] The first list alphabetically
insert [] at () of [ v] "thing", 1, the first list alphabetically
replace item () of [ v] with [] 1, the first list alphabetically, "thing"
<[ v] contains []?> The first list alphabetically, "thing"
play drum ( v) for () beats (1) Snare Drum, 0.25
rest for () beats 0.25
play note ( v) for () beats 60, 0.25
set instrument to ( v) (1) Piano
set tempo to () 60
change tempo by () 20
set pen color to [#ff0000] :: pen A random color
change pen ( v) by () color, 10
set pen ( v) to () color, 50
change pen size by () 1
set pen size to () 1
(video ( v) on ( v)) in a sprite or the Stage 10
turn video ( v) on
set video transparency to () % 50
speak ()::tts hello
set voice to ( v)::tts alto
set language to ( v)::tts English
translate () to ( v)::translate reporter hello, a random language
when ( v) key pressed::makeymakey hat space
when ( v) pressed in order::makeymakey hat left up right
when ( v) button pressed::microbit hat A
( v) button pressed?::microbit boolean A
when ( v)::microbit hat moved
display ( v)::microbit a heart pattern
display text ()::microbit Hello!
when tilted ( v)::microbit hat any
when tilted ( v)?::microbit boolean any
tilt angle ( v)::microbit reporter front
when pin ( v) connected::microbit hat 0
motor ( v) turn this way for () seconds::ev3 A, 1
motor ( v) turn that way for () seconds::ev3 A, 1
motor ( v) set power to ()%::ev3 A, 100
motor ( v) position::ev3 reporter A
when button ( v) pressed::ev3 hat 1
when distance \< ()::ev3 hat 5
when brightness \< ()::ev3 hat 50
button ( v) pressed?::ev3 boolean 1
turn motor ( v) for () seconds:: extension A, 1
turn motor ( v) for () rotations:: extension A, 1
turn motor ( v) on:: extension A
turn motor ( v) off:: extension A
turn motor () speed to ()%:: extension ABCD
set motor ( v) direction ( v)::extension A, this way
motor ( v) position::extension reporter A
when ( v) brick seen::extension hat any color
seeing ( v) brick?::extension boolean any color
when tilted ( v)::extension hat any
tilt angle ( v)::extension reporter up
set light color to ()::extension 50
turn ( v) on for ()::wedo motor
turn ( v) off for ()::wedo motor
set ( v) power to ()::wedo motor, 100
set ( v) direction to ( v)::wedo motor, this way
set light color to ()::wedo 50
when distance ( v) ()::wedo <, 50
when tilted ( v) ::wedo hat any
tilted ( v)? ::wedo boolean any
tilt angle ( v)::wedo reporter up
when ( v) :: extension hat shaken
when force sensor ( v) :: extension hat pushed
<tilted ( v) ? :: extension> any
(tilt angle ( v) :: extension) front
(spin speed ( v) :: extension) z
(acceleration ( v) :: extension) x
Empty Boolean inputs false

See Also

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