There have currently been 613 curators including the current one. They are as follows, from first to most recent:
- cheddargirl
- Toasty
- jasb
- keroro645
- Lanie
- coolstuff
- forest
- coka
- petvet300
- fullmoon
- Penguinsrock
- The-Whiz
- andresmh[1]
- SabGames
- ElPapa
- sparks
- MyRedNeptune
- TreacLE_24
- illusionist
- coolperson
- scmb1
- greenflash
- Chrischb
- xXMikeyPXx
- LS97
- cupcakebaker126
- Survivorduck
- demosthenes
- KalinaStar
- recycle49
- leebee
- kayybee
- mudpie446
- gawooga
- tweety992
- gettysburg11
- rufflebee
- Lucario621
- emilypie
- Telemachus
- moocow98
- lilacfuzz101
- Jonathanpb
- gnk2200
- Scimonster
- CoolerThanIce
- HiccupHaddokthe3rd
- Collab-Challenge[2]
- Chatter
- hdarken
- ian528
- Jwosty
- Robojam200
- Optimax-DJ
- jji7skyline
- samurai768
- zorket
- parcheesidude
- Wolfie1996
- Collab-Camp[2]
- ellscharstark
- Saca312
- silentslayer7
- Abigail1101
- WindowsExplorer
- silvershine
- VirtualClown
- fungirl123
- VanillaCreme
- Wolvesstar97
- CylonToast
- ProgrammingFreak
- mewkid
- Gamefan888
- Collab-Camp[2]
- wolves4ever10
- chanmanpartyman
- Legolas_Greenleaf
- technoboy10
- Lunastar-
- Yoshiboy
- the_hawk_arisen
- NeilWest
- Puppies4ever
- Hardmath123
- CatPerson[3]
- stevetheipad
- LiFaytheGoblin
- beyblade4
- Natural-Horses
- Wes64
- zbugni
- donahue33
- ProgrammingPro01
- pokemongardevoir
- TeslaKat
- joletole
- StarscreamClone
- ImagineIt
- Rumanti
- ErnieParke
- cartooncreator
- OrcaCat[4]
- jvvg
- DJ-stickman
- 7734f
- P110
- lunaluvgood
- UltraAdam
- jkl0l
- Firedrake969
- doggydudet
- krish15
- MichelleDeng
- turkey3
- Blackswift
- EH7meow
- GummiBearTay
- WASDgamer
- AmayaCreates
- Unrealisation[5]
- The_Grits
- Dragonturnip
- frodewin
- ahaanomegas
- 777atscratch
- fmtfmtfmt2
- ZaharaMar
- bridget8
- Zykon
- derpmeup
- kspiegs
- Masquerola
- CrazyNimbus
- xOnic
- st19_galla[6]
- ClareBear202
- helloyowuzzup
- Techno-CAT
- Invincible_Inc
- flamingenius
- mfairy
- The_Icecream_Girl
- Peeta34
- GreenIeaf
- hhbjackson
- AgentBunny102
- Ionosphere
- Buttons27
- elea0042
- MasterTurtle7
- karebear17
- ProfessorMaddog
- Malik44
- Greenyman
- 4LeafClovR
- Gatitoscratch
- mundofinkyenglish
- Really_A[7]
- TurtleTakeover[8]
- mini-macaron
- faryal228
- getbent
- Meap77
- Hemkernator
- olivegranger
- Ellesong
- Hamish752
- Ageren
- bubble103[9]
- TheMachinumps
- ItchyCatIII
- Flame2957
- lepsstudent
- ykim1
- -LadyNightLore-
- kendy4ever
- bjskistad
- rapunzel_
- coke11
- Tazzybazzy
- PastelDreaminq
- Arisandra
- nklvguko
- Novakitty
- ScratchinJoJo
- SimplyUnliked
- ellielocks
- Cirrus-
- supercooljulia
- Csoup
- forever-
- SquiggleStudios
- Scottishdancer1
- jacko1234567
- ExperienceSea
- purplemoondust
- -BlueSwirl-
- randomperson100
- -Ravindra-
- Pepestan_Gaming
- D_i_a_v_l_o
- Glitter15
- pianogirl84
- -sagaciousdragon-
- -Coralreef-
- -IcyMango-
- TrollMario
- rainbow_waves
- happymango
- pinkowlawesome
- Abstract-
- ZLGames
- -Spectrum
- AnimationBunny
- littlepuppy14
- oceanatic
- AMS_Xhaan2
- jicamox
- 10513claypit
- -Hiraeth-
- whitewolfwoman
- Fuzzbutt
- ForeverArtist
- Antonov-225
- MrRaisin
- abhi2006
- -programmer27
- hotwings6
- wonderlust
- LyricalGalaxy
- Bobirt
- Studio42
- -Splattered-
- Snow-Puppy
- ivypool2
- -MidnightStudios
- -MadhaviNori
- Thomas1-1
- Hasanmajid10
- JellyLoop
- _Elektron_
- purikuradraws
- ChocolateFactory
- margotmath
- nmalekpour
- Lpssparklesunshine
- -Auron-
- Simonow
- -BitmapArtist-
- Snowjo88
- -Pikaboo-
- Galleigo
- Pylar
- -GalaxyDust-
- Hope4Tomorrow
- nickeljorn
- Targethntr
- 7Snails
- bigpuppy
- Lucy_Lu
- WolfCat67
- piecone34
- mbelle394
- imeatingchocolate
- fryekid
- sfjasmined
- awesomeusername05
- EveningWaves
- PegasusHT
- astar-rasta
- -NinjaNarwhal-
- purplewolves
- scratchmaster678
- TheLoneWoof
- VectiaStudent
- --Waterfall--
- EIephant_Lover[10]
- schittering06[10]
- _MockingJay_[10]
- BasilAroma
- PokemonScratch101
- TheOnceler-
- Wahsp
- HehtorOCH
- cinnamon_bun_puff
- wWSunPandaWw
- oriquack
- 20audreyw
- -Hopeful-
- AgentQuirt
- AlimuDX[11]
- StrikeM
- -BW-GamerGirl
- AstarGalaxies
- smartzx
- bidulule
- Mistyfootsfan
- DragonLover379
- CaitPlayzGames
- horse8888
- Archival
- Meyy26
- -Doodlemaster-
- okapicoder
- Volix-
- mangafurby
- Birdah
- 1000652
- PillowySleep
- violet_raven
- CantStopWishiwashi
- 16cmack
- -Simplify-
- asqwde
- Flique
- WaterGlider02
- Za-Chary
- LovelyOtter
- carolinejia
- marshmallowmuffins
- CodePoodle
- DogCatPuppyLover
- snilla
- Bumaof
- -invisible-
- tarekzaki
- NilsTheBest
- Hopeshine
- squirmyfortherun
- -Choklit-
- alekap
- Lizzy_06
- KARATEGIRL2008[12]
- laymonade
- sillystrawberry
- MathsHat1
- fromage-
- natsd
- BlueElectricity
- -PixelParty-
- scratchcat74
- mathias1706
- ArtsyStrawberry
- 119th_Element
- MistyRain17
- BeatlemaniacLily
- magewolf-
- Jedibrine
- g-Codes
- ShimmerSparkle123
- Omis1220
- facts1012008
- Maliha2
- guineapigluv2
- Hedgygirl_Scratch
- Luna_Phoenix
- g0nk
- 01036283
- FrostyRAhAz
- Panda6uom
- HarmonyKitty
- swim1016
- Rainbow_Reality
- mandrewschoon
- ElectricGalaxy
- IntroducingW0ndr0us
- Lucasliu9595
- kritav
- Pandacorn68
- CheriseW
- Angelstar3
- az1010106
- PaddlerGames
- scratch-explored
- Bellevue91
- 123Dounuts
- Mockingjade
- CrimsonROSES34
- -TheGreenNinja-[13]
- QuirkyKittten
- Orange_Lion
- codingfool2002
- moonlark-[14]
- Constellations-
- --BlueSky--
- Andy8800
- CatCarrie1219
- -BlueO-
- -CHATrlotte-
- pmash
- 1132262
- LlamaGodLuke
- Legolover2018
- Easter_Bunni
- DreamAnimations
- Foxies4Ever
- -GlitterSquad-
- smartcutecandy
- qood
- Wolf_Silver
- HarryPotter_Hamilton
- IcedSnow
- Seeliary
- okae
- 2007kitty
- Esfeon
- BitTheDrone
- goalie_not_1
- topaz50
- -LemonyLemon-
- Mr_lemon_buddy
- 1xluver1
- 21st_century_kitty
- Butter13Love
- Polargaming64
- mister_dazzling
- tornadoyay1
- CosmicKiwi
- MarshmallowArts
- kindforall
- rosianapinkie
- deeki
- Unicorngirl289
- Live_YourLife
- theleapingleopard
- SlenTheOoof
- cooldude-222
- RouteTv
- vedrc
- missyq
- -stingray-
- -Firesnake-
- RandomThang
- AquaLeafStudios
- mallo222
- CelloDog17
- diglett123
- Xx_InfiniteGame_xX
- llkk123
- theadyan
- boom2ratz
- 015_NMJ[15]
- Billybomb
- MusicMkr
- TrueGryffindor89
- Swimming_Squirrel
- -Sprout15-
- JoyfuII
- 23enicho[16]
- RC_Legend
- rishavscratchwork
- ChaiLatte2233
- DreamiiSky
- perfectly-unique
- ARD_2009
- theCharpy
- ashmachaudhary123
- THUNDERcloudof08
- Greenjade12
- lazer54321
- Yadesh123
- patatiextrema
- Debaparna
- Square_Animates
- nerdintown
- Muffin_pie
- kushika
- FlayFlyAnimations
- SplayDolphin219
- BlushPink1
- gameranya_321
- Yoshigamertv
- -ScratchDesign-
- zebrastripesagain
- squeaks1
- 2GS6
- Alpha_Wolf_Coder
- superscratch3112
- jask82006
- Takin_baby
- ScratchBoy179
- ButterPopcorn8
- Codercat555
- mrcreatorluigi
- iloveplanes380
- KittensandCoding
- Riddhijain2
- meteoro37
- Aloeheart6
- nightmxre-
- -CodingAnimations-
- wolfburrito95
- Coder5TK
- dwseoh127
- -LegendGaming-
- SnowdropSugar
- Bhachdi
- pxnguin
- Funky-Pineapple
- FollowCherryBlossom
- Lovelyseaurchin
- wiseguy1234
- alyaelwan2009
- WKFs20161041
- kasahihi
- ChanseyLoverForever
- -RabbitWorld-[14]
- doodledogs12345
- thatbalanchinegirl
- ScratchCat-Master
- KKmello
- skelovetonn
- Frizja
- PandaBearRocks
- strawberrixxx
- Fun_Cupcake_i81
- TheAmazingKoala
- Cosmos157
- babe_ri400
- ----Evelyn----
- funny-animations259
- koolkatz38
- Crystalene
- -YourLocalPhantom-[17][14]
- WxnderWoof
- Speedy10_
- clouded_moon--
- bombo90
- -SimplyWatermelon-
- MrCloudGame
- -MeowTheCat-
- land-o1234
- salmaahmed200
- mls710
- ChueyTheCat
- CampingUK
- Veniamin6
- h0rsema2
- Clmasa
- -Linkster
- RoseWildT
- _Lemon_Life_
- Magicalunicornsxox[18]
- -StarGold-[14]
- ZendraGames
- Magicalunicornsxox
- nochelunaapple
- XYZ-Gamez
- DEKU2K11
- ocuious
- DragonCatSloth[19]
- Dinosaur-Code
- -Heron-[20]
- DragonCatSloth[19]
- bessi_official
- maivuhailong_
- BrilliantGamer6
- glacialsal24
- Sunstream-
- pancake_cat1
- gamecraft213
- Jill118
- -ArtisticBoy-
- DoIphinAnimator[21]
- AprilMewMew[22]
- Kunimaocode
- Warriors_56
- Splashy-Goose
- Purin2022
- -TheBestBeast-
- xxMistiexx
- -KittyMax-
- PearBear8
- choco-faerie
- StrongBlader
- JustAestheticGurl
- 10JustKK
- DaFloofyCat
- megatron4321
- LovelyDuckling
- -Schnauzers-
- DuplexCode[23]
- EMangum2[24]
- StardreamT2
- -ZyRoFlix-
- cinammcnx
- JJPinger
- BalockeyBuilds
- luckycrafts
- cool_tutorial_coding
- coolcoder010101
- Little_miss_pancake
- mslemonmyrtle
- hgwartsaoko
- happymacka
- cookielw
- ywps181513
- Furret_Productions[25]
- ywps181513
- MarieCheese123
Current Front Page Curator
- Furret_Productions
Future Front Page Curators
Edit this list here: Curator (front page)/Future Curators There are currently no future Front Page Curators.
External Links
- Front Page Curator Applications — the studio where curator applications are submitted
- Accepted FPC Applications — a studio with accepted curator applications (that are still shared). This studio is not an official studio by the Scratch Team, but is usually very accurate since the only managers are past and future curators.
- Next/Future FPCs — a studio where Scratchers can view who the next Front Page Curators are. This studio is not an official studio by the Scratch Team, but is usually very accurate since most of the managers are past curators.
- This project explains the key things that are recommended in a curator application. Although it was not made by the Scratch Team, it might help in making a better application. This does not guarantee that the application will be accepted, however.
- ↑ Then-Scratch Team member andresmh, who was the 14th curator, was chosen temporarily when none other could be found. This lasted for only one day.
- ↑ a b c Both Collab-Challenge and Collab-Camp were not exactly curators, but rather accounts used to showcase winning projects from the Collab Challenge and Collab Camp, respectively. However, they both used the curator slot on the front page and held it for two weeks — just like other curators. Unlike other curators, Collab-Camp held the spot twice, whereas normal curators can only curate once.
- ↑ CatPerson was only curator for a few days because they wanted to quit the position.
- ↑ OrcaCat took their curatorship in two parts — one week before Scratch 2.0 was released, and the second week after the curator row was brought back.
- ↑ Unrealisation was a curator for 2 extra days before he would have normally started because the previous curator had connection issues.
- ↑ st19_galla became a curator 2 days early.
- ↑ Really_A was the last curator to have a two week shift.
- ↑ TurtleTakeover was the first curator to have a one week shift.
- ↑ bubble103 was the curator when the new homepage skin was implemented.
- ↑ a b c Between December 4th and December 11th, there was no FPC due to website traffic from Hour of Code, to prevent extra traffic. _MockingJay_'s shift was moved from the 4th - 11th to the 18th - 25th, and schittering06's shift was moved to begin before _MockingJay_'s and was from the 11th - 18th. EIephant_Lover's shift was cut from November 27th - December 4th to December 3rd instead.
- ↑ AlimuDX was only curator from the 14th to the 19th because they weren't ready to start their shift until the 14th.
- ↑ KARATEGIRL2008 was curator during the release of Scratch 3.0.
- ↑ -TheGreenNinja- had their shift extended to December 2nd because the next FPC, silverstar4444, decided to take a break from Scratch.
- ↑ a b c d This user had a different username during their curator shift, and had it changed by the Scratch Team sometime after it.
- ↑ For a period of about 24 hours during 015_NMJ's curatorship, the curator row disappeared from the front page without explanation, see topic:488863
- ↑ The curator was accidentally set to yoyu55 for about 24 hours, which was fixed by the Scratch Team
- ↑ -YourLocalPhantom-'s curatorship was two weeks rather than the standard week for unknown reasons
- ↑ Magicalunicornsxox was listed as curator for a longer period of time but was unable to update the listed projects due to maintenance work freezing the homepage and after March 20, 2023 the curator row was temporarily removed entirely, see topic:667012
- ↑ a b Maintenance of the Scratch website meant DragonCatSloth lost two days in their first shift. They received a second shift as a result. Their second shift was cut short due to the change in shift timing and their inability to fill the whole week.
- ↑ -Heron-'s shift was two weeks instead of one because floof-meep, the curator meant to follow them, dropped out for school.
- ↑ DoIphinAnimator served an extra day due to delay with their successor.
- ↑ AprilMewMew started one day late due to not yet having all 5 projects favorited as required.
- ↑ DuplexCode served an extra day due to delay with their successor.
- ↑ EMangum2 started their term one day late due to not being able to make it.
- ↑ The curators row was removed for a few weeks due to technical issues.