A Main Menu is a menu, usually used in games, placed at the beginning of a project. It allows the user to decide to play the game, or use other features within the project, such as character customization. Main menus mostly consist of various buttons for accessing the different parts of a project. For this tutorial, it is assumed that the majority of the project's body is complete.
Basic Menu
Broadcasting is useful for main menus because it allows them to be easily pulled up multiple times in a project. It avoids the need to click the green flag to navigate back to the menu. The broadcast used in this tutorial is named open menu
In order to start, one will need to replace most "When Green Flag Clicked" script with "When I receive [open menu]" scripts, likely with exceptions. It's recommended to plan for this in advance, and not use "When Green Flag Clicked" hats for the main menu,
For example, one's original script might look like this:
when gf clicked forever if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then change x by (-10) end if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then change x by (10) end if <key (space v) pressed?> then jump::custom end
But after the modification, it would look like this:
when I receive [start game v] forever if <key (left arrow v) pressed?> then change x by (-10) end if <key (right arrow v) pressed?> then change x by (10) end if <key (space v) pressed?> then jump::custom end
After this, make a separate backdrop for the title screen that includes the title and a new sprite named "Start Button". Inside this sprite, make two scripts:
when I receive [open menu v] show switch backdrop to (title backdrop v)
The "Play" button is used for triggering the project to begin. Most often, when the button is clicked a message will be sent signaling the game to begin. The following script represents this:
when this sprite clicked broadcast (start game v) switch backdrop to (gameplay backdrop v) hide
Now when someone starts the project, it will show the menu instead of starting the game automatically.
Adding Title Music
Title music can be added to the game.
Make the following required Variable:
(main menu?)
In any sprite, create a script like this one:
Note: | Do this after the menu has been created. Do not convert this into a "start game" script. |
when gf clicked set [main menu? v] to (1) forever if <(main menu?)>[0]> then play sound (Title Music v) until done end
This script says that if the viewer is on the main menu, it will play the music.
Now, modify the Start Button script. Change it from this:
when this sprite clicked broadcast (start game v) switch backdrop to (gameplay backdrop v) hide
to this:
when this sprite clicked broadcast (start game v) set [main menu? v] to (0) stop all sounds switch backdrop to (gameplay backdrop v) hide
This prevents the title music from playing again, and then just stops it altogether.
External Links
- How to Make a Title Screen — A tutorial that teaches how to make a title screen.