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Change Stretch by ()
change stretch by ():: looks
Category Looks
Type Stack
Removed in 23May05 (0.x)

The Change Stretch by () block was a Looks block and a Stack block. It made the sprite stretch horizontally. It was removed from the block palette in Scratch 23May05 for unknown reasons.


There is no workaround using only blocks, but one can repeatedly duplicate costumes in the paint editor, stretching each one slightly more than the last to create the effect. The first costume can be designed to have no stretch, and the last costume can have the maximum stretch. The costumes can then be iterated to create the visual effect of a sprite stretching. The following script implies that there are 100 costumes in the sprite:

define change stretch by (n)
if <((costume [number v]) + (n)) > [100]> then
  switch costume to (costume 100 v)
  if <((costume [number v]) + (n)) < [1]> then
  switch costume to (costume 1 v)
    switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (n))

However, the above script may not completely replicate the block since it depends on the stretch difference between each sprite along with the total number of costumes. Since making many costumes can be a daunting task, ten costumes, for instance, can be used instead. It is also best to use a variable to keep track of the actual "stretch" value. A variable called "stretch" can be used for this. and the following script can be used instead.

Note Note: "0" is the minimum stretch, "100" is the maximum.
define change stretch by (n) with (num_costumes) number of costumes
change [stretch v] by (n)
if <(stretch) > [100]> then
  set [stretch v] to [100]
if <(stretch) < [1]> then
  set [stretch v] to [1]
switch costume to ([ceiling v] of ((stretch) / (num_costumes)))

See Also

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