"Add" redirects here. For the List block with "Add" in its name, see Add () to ().
For the boolean logic gate, see () or ()
() + ()
(() + ())
Category Operators
Type Reporter
Introduced in 11Oct03

The () + () block is an Operators Block and a Reporter Block. The block adds two values and reports the result.

The numbers can be typed directly into the block, or Reporter blocks can be used instead.

Example Uses

In many projects, numbers must be added together—this block will do the job.

Some common uses for the () + () block:

  • Calculator scripts
set [answer v] to ((a) + (b))
  • Adding lists of numbers
set [n v] to (0)
repeat (length of [numbers v])
    change [n v] by (1)
    set [sum v] to ((item (n) of [numbers v]) + (sum))
  • Math formulas
((((2) * (pi)) * ((r) * (r))) + (((2) * (pi)) * ((r) * (h))))
  • Addition
when green flag clicked
ask [what is the sum] and wait
    if <(answer) = [1+1]> then
        say ((1) + (1))

Scientific Notation

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

Sometimes in Scratch 1.4 and previous versions, very large numbers are converted into scientific notation to save space. Scientific notation is simply the number in the form a*10b. These can be converted to a normal number by performing any mathematical function on it, such as adding. So if a variable named "number" has a value of 3*103 and one want to display it as a normal number, one can change it by:

((number) + (0))

It will then report "3000".


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

The block can be replicated with the following code:

((a) - ((0) - (b)))
((a) - ((-1) * (b)))
set [output v] to (a)
change [output v] by (b) //output would be the answer, 'a' would be the first number, 'b' the second

See Also